Friday, February 5, 2010

The SNOW-pocaylipse!

MG - Its PITTSBURGH and its SNOWING!  Shocking right?!?  (pretty heavy on the sarcasm, please sense it)  Schools are closing early, businesses shutting down for the "worst snow since 2003.  Maybe its my bad memory, but have we even had a lot of snow since 2003?  I remember last year my new neighborhood had 15 inches... and after the road crews got out, everyone just went about their normal routines.  Now the Blizzard of '93... different story... but from what they are saying, we aren't even getting close to those amounts of snow!

I know we all like to have something to complain about (guilty as charged), but either pack up and move or join us tomorrow for snowman building, sledding, snow angel making and HOT CHOCOLATE!

 And 1 1/2 hours later:

Yes those are my Christmas Lights still up... WHAT!?

Not that I'm eating my words, but the roads are bad, so just be careful, wait till the crews get out... and in the mean time, drink a beer, have a glass of wine and SNUGGLE!!!

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