Wednesday, September 9, 2009


OK, sorry, I thought this posted 2 days ago, but my computer rebooted itself and it never went. ANYWHO....

We had a few "FIRSTS" this week. Tuesday, Caitlyn started dance class. Her first class went okay... she kind of got caught off guard by a crying little girl and stood there for the first 10 minutes (not crying, but not really participating), but then joined in at the end of ballet and did great in tap. I can't wait to see how this goes... I think she'll do great!

All dressed up and ready to go
Love that face... my Baby Angel!
She was so excited!
Caitlyn with her first friend at class
Notice she has not moved from the last pic! She wouldn't sit down to stretch. LOL!
Circle time and Caitlyn joined in!
My baby ballerina
WOW! THESE shoes make NOISE!
Typical little girl here... loved the mirrors!
Sticker time! WE DID IT!
OK and then on Wednesday, my two little monkeys started preschool. They both couldn't wait to start. Its going to be so good for them (and Mommy). We got up early in the morning and ate, got dressed and headed out the door... and they actually cooperated!
Ready to roll! They're getting so big!
And still love each other!
Proud mommy sending them off for their first day!
Caitlyn sitting in front of her locker... don't be fooled by the look on her face, she loved it!
Ben made himself comfortable playing next to his new friends!

I couldn't have asked for a busier, more exciting week! I'm so proud of my little monsters!

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