Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer Time fun

Well... its been FOREVER since I have had time to blog... but here it is.

Its hard to believe, but the kids are both going to preschool in the fall. I can't wait. Ben will continue Tae Kwan Do and I am trying to get Caitlyn in dance. Both of them have these newly developed attitudes... while for the most part, they are halarious, it gets to be quite disturbing sometimes. I argue with the kids like they are 18 years old! And they have the ability to argue accordingly!

We have had a great summer though... zoo trips, Idlewild, visiting Mel in Erie, swimming when the sun decides to grace us with its presence. I am going to work backward on this... one blog at a time. Here are the most recent pictures of the kids swimming yesterday.

Love it when they cuddle

Couldn't get a pic of them BOTH with their eyes open, so one of each!

Ben showing off his swimming skills

Caitlyn, professional Water Wings swimmer!

She loves the freedom they allow!!

More tomorrow!

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