Friday, January 30, 2009

Okay, enough is enough...

I love snow just as much as the next person... BUT COME ON! I haven't seen true ground since the new year! Every day it snows here. Who in the heck decided it was a good idea to move right into the Snow Belt!? Now, I have absolutely no psychic powers, but if I did... I'd predict a 4 wheel drive vehicle in our future...
This was yesterday's view from our house
Snow and Ice... what a fun combo!
Looking out my office window... not such a nice view!
And today's fun... not much different from yesterday!
Bad mom move #65421987... I thought leaving the sleds out was a good idea so we didn't have to drag them in and out. Now the only one we can see is the old infant sled. Benjamin's gonna be pissed!

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