Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas in the Brennan House!

Two posts in one day!!! That's cause its been forever since I posted! Here are some pictures of our Christmas in the new house. We had the tree in the sun room... perfect spot! And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care.... you know the rest!

The fireplace with decorations

All lit up

And our first fire in the fireplace!

The Christmas Tree

Cookies for Santa... the kids love that part!

Holy Cow SANTA! The kids weren't THAT good!

But Santa was hungry!

And he always leaves a note for the kiddos!

They aren't sure where to start!

Santa brought a Wii for the family this year!

Caitlyn opening her scooter that Benjamin asked for her to get!

Benjamin digging in

Caitlyn's big girl underwear from Santa.... now to only use the potty!

And the look that makes it all worth it!


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