Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well, we got to go up to the house today. We had our hot tub delivered to the property so we can close on our other house next week. It was quite overwhelming to drive down the road today. The whole house is up! All the framing is done and the roof is done and windows are in! We walked around and showed the kids all the rooms. They had a blast. After a minor fall... okay a nasty fall... I got the camera for some pictures! Check it out!

The Sunroom - 12x14

Family Room with wood burning fireplace

Basement Crawlspace

Office - Future home of DMB Video

Front Porch - comes standard with 2 monkeys (oh, kids)

The front door

Master Bathroom (left) and Walk in Closet (right)

The kids walk in closets with a bedroom in background

Monkeys on the steps to 1st level

Garage storage space and laundry room (right)
TADA... Here it is!
Back of house with sunroom
Back again
Garage side view

Front of house from the other side

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