Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Innerds

Went up today to pay Curtis to start the septic, and for the first time in a long time, things were going on while I was there. The electrician was just finishing up all of the wiring in the house, and the plumber had finished yesterday. But the surprise came as we were driving down the road and half of the siding is up!!! The back and the side with the fire place is done!!!

I am so happy with our choice of colors. I was a little nervous since they give you a 1 in square to compare colors... and then imagine your whole house in that color... but we did good! Its called Kakhi, and its a darker beige. The shudders are a darker brown.

The dump trucks were bringing in loads of sand for our septic and taking out loads of our dirt from digging the foundation. Busy bees!!!!

The fireplace in the Family Room

One of the bathtubs... they are the same in both bathrooms

The well...

The back of the house fully sided

The Sunroom

The electric panel in the basement

Most of the tubing for the Pex system

Side of the house... they were just finishing up the siding

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