Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thankful today...

to be alive! Obviously I like to live for many reasons, but you never know when other plans may be made for you...

On our way home - yes the kids were with me - from Zumba today, we were the front line witness to a pretty bad truck accident that 'if' things had gone differently had potential for disaster. I had stopped to let an oil tanker back into a drive way from the opposite lane (which is funny... I usually stop for no one...) and we saw a huge blue truck coming down my lane towards us from behind the tanker. He had swerved to avoid stopped traffic in the opposite lane of mine, but then realizing he was gonna hit SOMETHING, he swerved back over to the guardrail on the opposite side of the road, nailing the oil tanker. In the accident, the blue truck's full fuel tank was ruptured, dumping 100 gallons of fuel onto the road, running right towards the van. The oil tanker was thankfully struck on the front end (which I think is why he swerved back over), so the oil didn't leak.

Now, we were never in danger, because God was watching us...

The truck came to a stop before hitting us head on, the fuel didn't ignite (thankful I don't smoke today), and neither driver was seriously injured. The drive in the blue truck went to the hospital for minor shoulder injuries, soaked in diesel fuel because he was trying to stop the leak. I snapped a couple of pics while I was waiting for the police to take my statement.

You can see the fuel running down from in front of the blue truck.  The stuff on the road in front of the red truck was safe...

Its also online and I decided to email WTAE my pics cause they didn't have the best coverage since they didn't get there until the red tanker had been removed from the scene.

The kids were a little shaken up, but we are all okay... minus the 'bad mommy' mistake of shutting Caitlyn's hand in the door when we were trying to leave. BUT there were plenty of EMS around to provide a Snoopy Bandaid!

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