Monday, May 4, 2009

Sorry! Its been a while!

Well, this blog was started as a "home building blog" so I'll start there. Here is the one update I can show you... wahoo... we're official!!!!:
And the other is the laundry sink we added in the laundry room. Lenny did that a couple months ago... and wow, I never knew how much I'd appreciate one of these! I'll try to take a picture, but I promise you its not nearly as exciting in a picture as it is in real life!

So... this is what the kids do in their spare time:

And this is what Mommy does in hers:

My goofball peanut... love this face!
And the newest chapter in the Brennan lives... Benjamin starts Taekwando!

He got his uniform, so I'll repost pictures on Wednesday after his first "official" class! YAY BEN! He did great!

K... Mrs. Friend.... QUIT STALKING ME! I updated, are you smiling now!?!?! :)

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