Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Forgot to post... 2nd ring update!

Well, after the one wedding band... um... surfaced in a diaper full of poo, we were hopeful to find the e-ring the same. Well, not hoping to have it covered in poo, but we were sure it was in there. Sunday was the 2 week mark and when Lenny changed her stinky diaper and there was nothing in it, he asked "what did you do with mommy's bigger ring with the diamond?". She told him that it "went downstairs. So to humor him he said "show me".

She took him straight into our bedroom and pointed to the floor vent and said, its downstairs. It was in the vent! So she did, in fact, eat one, but not the other. Makes sense... her original story was "I ate it, the it went downstairs (which we took to be in her belly), and then they were all gone".

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