Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tomorrow is the DAY!

Can I get an AMEN! Okay, before the Amen, lets say a really quick prayer that nothing else goes wrong! We had our well pump go bad already, the painters showed up a day late, a breaker in our electrical panel was done wrong, a short in the wiring in the dining room.... well I think that's it for this week. Can you tell how stressful building a house can be!? Here are the latest pictures that I have. This is some of the fixtures, flooring and lighting. I can't believe I am posting this instead of packing, but I can't help but to think something is going to go wrong and I don't want to get my hopes up.

The final paint was done last night and we'll take all new pictures of each room tomorrow after the cleaning, but YAY we are almost there! Now for the moving crew!!!

The Kitchen sink... has a soap pump and the spigot has a sprayer that comes out

Kitchen with flooring

Master Bath with flooring and fixtures

Sunroom with carpet (and snow out the windows)

Family room with recessed lighting and eyeball lights over fireplace

View of dinette and sunroom from entryway
Kitchen lighting
Pantry comes completely stocked with..... KIDS!? (Yes that is the top shelf!)
Dining room with carpet and light fixture... sorry there was a short in the electric and the light wasn't working :)

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