Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last post before VACAY!

Well, initially we believed we'd be in our new house by now, but as we should have expected, we aren't. I talked to our new foreman last week and he is "guess-timating" Mid to Late December. But, oh well... nothing we can do about it, but make the best of it!

So... we are headed to Orlando Florida for Thanksgiving Week and I can't WAIT! We stopped up at the house yesterday to check in one last time before we leave. I was very pleasantly surprised to actually see some work had been done. It seemed like we were sitting for WEEKS with nothing. Here are some pictures. You'll see the ceiling texture, the wood work in the garage, the doors and some more junk in the garage AND the fireplace brick (and some other random enjoyable things)! YAY!!!!!
Flock of wild turkeys in the neighbor's yard (there were more than 20!)

The ceiling texture... same through out house Ummm.... initiation?
Fire place brick close up
Anyone out there know what this green board is for? If so, please inform me (email me).
Got Wood? We do!
Inside doors and our steel door for the bilco
Windows were stained since last time I had been there

An awesome shot of the front of the house... the last one had Curtis's big ole truck in the way!!

Mickey Mouse... HERE WE COME!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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