Friday, August 15, 2008

Established 2008

We no longer have just a hole in the ground with a side of huge rock to compliment it... We have a foundation! I think they poured it this week, but with so much going on here with our current home, I didn't make it up until today to peak. Here are some photos. The walls of the foundation are all done, but hmmmm.... where are all of the workers at 1:30 in the afternoon!?! Oh yeah, and we have our first official complaint from the neighbors... our dirt is washing onto the road... pic below!

From the front corner of the garage

From the back - look closely and you'll see the kids climbing the wall on the right!

From the back corner near the bilco

The crawl space under the sunroom

A view of the other crawl space going into the basement

After being contacted about a not-so-nice complaint from one of our neighbors because the dirt that we excavated was washing "ALL OVER THE ROAD AND COVERING IT", I drove up today to find this! Barely a dusting of dirt that had washed onto the road in a torrential downpour yesterday. Geesh! But we have to put up a fence because of it. This could get interesting!

Video of the progress so far... just a little clip I took today on my camera... gotta love how the kids pop into this one too!

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