Saturday, February 20, 2010


in marriage for 6 years tomorrow - February 21, 2004

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The next color in Benjamin's quest for the Black Belt...

He tested on Friday, February 12th from his Orange Tiger Belt to Yellow Belt.  Unfortunately, Caitlyn and I ended up with the flu and after she puked on me in the waiting room before Benjamin even got on the floor, we had to leave.  So I missed it but Lenny got some pics.  We are so proud of our little Tae Kwon Do Peanut!!!

 Ben's the blond (imagine that)... His One Step
Next was his form...
And there you go folks, the newest Yellow Belt in the Sarver ATA Tiny Tigers!!!
And to show off at home a little to mommy since I missed it... look at that KICK!!!!
Don't mess with this kid, folks!!
So proud... don't my disastrous appearance, I had the flu!
Ben and Daddy playin' around!
This kid amazes me every day.  He is capable of so much and with his little time in TKD, he is far exceeding our expectations.  Next up, Cougar Yellow... I think... its some kind of wild animal.  ;-)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Going Dark...

So I'm like a space shuttle rounding the moon on the opposite side of the Earth... I am going dark... on FaceBook.  I have made a decision, inspired by a close friend, to give up FaceBook completely for Lent.  No, I am not Catholic, but a New Year's Resolution had brought me back to the church and I decided to give something up this year... not because I have to, but because I want to...

So I contemplated coffee.  Well that pretty much flew out the window into the 3 foot snow piles... cause I couldn't last more than a day or two.  Then I thought about chocolate or sweets in general.  But for me, that isn't a true sacrifice... I could do without them on any given day.  So I moved on to fast food... well with toddlers and being on the run constantly, that's just darned near impossible and I have tried that and failed miserably before. 

And so it is... FaceBook is my sacrifice this year for Lent.  Anyone who knows me knows, that I spend probably 75% of my day on FB, whether on my computer or phone.  It hit me today after my friend gave me the idea that that percentage is absolutely ridiculous!  Imagine how much sh!t I could get done in that time!  I suck as a wife lately, am totally slacking as a mom... and what do I have to show for it... FaceBook posts and status updates! 

So, keep track of me here... I will try to post more frequently... and keep me posted on your lives!  I will be on email, my normal forums that I frequent, but my true addiction, Facebook, will not see me for 40 days!  It really is all about sacrifice, and whats the point if its something easy!?  And really in the long run, I see MUCH more benefit coming out of this than bringing me closer to the Lord... really.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kiddo (and hubbster) pics... SNOWpocalypse 2010

SNOWpocalypse was MAJORLY underestimated

So the weather men predicted 8 inches total in my area (north of Pittsburgh)...

Last night before bed (12:30am)

 1/2 of the tires are covered on the guy across the street
Porch Steps are dissappearing...
 MORNING - Tires are gone
railing measurement
 Its Up to my mid thigh at the garage door
Yeah... not goin anywhere for a while!
Here's the kicker - its still comin down hard!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The SNOW-pocaylipse!

MG - Its PITTSBURGH and its SNOWING!  Shocking right?!?  (pretty heavy on the sarcasm, please sense it)  Schools are closing early, businesses shutting down for the "worst snow since 2003.  Maybe its my bad memory, but have we even had a lot of snow since 2003?  I remember last year my new neighborhood had 15 inches... and after the road crews got out, everyone just went about their normal routines.  Now the Blizzard of '93... different story... but from what they are saying, we aren't even getting close to those amounts of snow!

I know we all like to have something to complain about (guilty as charged), but either pack up and move or join us tomorrow for snowman building, sledding, snow angel making and HOT CHOCOLATE!

 And 1 1/2 hours later:

Yes those are my Christmas Lights still up... WHAT!?

Not that I'm eating my words, but the roads are bad, so just be careful, wait till the crews get out... and in the mean time, drink a beer, have a glass of wine and SNUGGLE!!!